Wow. Just when I thought my blogging career was over, I decided today may be the day to jump back on the bandwagon. I enjoy reading blogs so much, and feel like I need a creative outlet. I am still unconvinced that blogging is for me, however I'm not willing to give it up quite yet.
So what has happened in the past couple of months?
* I flew to South Carolina and spent a few days in Myrtle Beach with my family (and got stung by a string ray!!)
View from the pool at our hotel:
My stung-rayed cankle!
Cool kids wearing beach hats (how darling are my niece and nephew?!)
* My future SIL and her friend visited me and we gallivanted all over Vegas like crazy tourists
(note the clear stripper heels. Mine literally had poker chips and dice in them. So vegas chic.)
* I finally received my degree! I waited (impatiently) since completing my program in March and it finally arrived. I feel so legit now. And smarter (note the glasses....that I only wear when trying to appear intellectual)
The biggest thing certainly, is that J came home!! This was truly the beginning of me falling off the face of the earth. I literally have been spending every waking non-working moment with him and it has been so great. We have hit the ground running with the wedding planning since he's been back and are in the process of getting our invitations sent out and planning the rehearsal dinner (I will post about these things at a later date...)
Also, I have started a second job where I am actually using my Masters degree and getting compensated for it (what a novel idea!) I am now part time faculty at a local college and teaching a course in the nursing program. This is really exciting and scary for me and I find that I really want to be great at this which is adding a little stress to my already stressful life. It's certainly challenging. On the one hand I feel really proud of myself to have accomplished this goal by the ripe old age of 26, yet sometimes I feel unprepared and in over my head. It is actually my second semester teaching but I still feel so new at this. Hoping I can improve upon my teaching skills and gain more experience this semester.
So here's to a new (and more successful) blog beginning. Let's hope I stay inspired :)