Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We Did It!!


After 14 months of planning, sleepless nights, many tears, and not to mention thousands of dollars, we did it!  Things didn't go as planned at times, but you know what?  It didn't matter.  Our day was perfect beacuse it was our day.

We got back from our honeymoon a couple of days ago and are slowly trying to get back into our normal routine.  But I'll tell you a secret: life is a little more exciting married :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Uh oh's

I'm trying to document everything about the wedding because I don't want to forget a thing.  So with the good comes the bad, and it CAME this week.  Rained all over our parade.  I am hoping this means good things are to come.  So far this week:
  • My Grandparents decided they aren't well enough to make the trip out to Vegas and therefore will not be attending the wedding
  • My Mom got in a car accident...she's fine.  The other lady is not and it's a sad situation.
  • My niece and nephew (flower girl and ring bearer) have a GI bug and barfed the majority of the week
  • My hair dresser got shingles.  Freaking shingles.  When does that ever happen!?!?
  • I have strep throat.  Thank God I work with  a wonderful Dr. who called in a prescription for me today. 
As long as THIS doesn't happen, I think it will still be the best week of our lives :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wedding Week!

Wow. It is officially our wedding week....we get married on FRIDAY! I can't even explain the stress and excitement of it all. Family has started to arrive and it's unreal.

Our programs are done and I'm pleased with how they turned out. Originally I was going to have them made. I found a vendor on Etsy that wound up not working out (because I'm pretty sure this girl was NOT legit and I wasn't about the send her $200...sometimes you just get the feeling that something isn't quite right). We did go to a local shop and learned that for what we wanted, our programs would cost around $250. We were fine with this, however I thought I could do it myself and have them exactly as I wanted (because I'm a control freak and all) and save money in the process.

I bought a kit of blank programs from Michaels along with a stamp for the cover and ribbon.  We typed up everything at home and had it printed at Kinko's for $100.  Then I assembled them myself, punching holes and adding ribbon.  It was a big undertaking, but we wound up saving about $100.

I picked up a couple of baskets at Michael's and that was that.  It took several hours to get everything together, but it was well worth the time.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a New Year!

It's a new year.  I can't believe 2012 is upon us!  For so long I have awaited the arrival of January, and here we are in our wedding month already!  To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement but I am so excited to be married to J and I'm trying to keep that the focus and not get too hung up on the small stuff.  I do struggle with that though and know I tend to be a perfectionist and need for things to be a certain way.  I do see things coming together and am hopeful that all this hard work will pay off!

So in anticipation that this blog is very quickly going to be consumed by wedding craziness, I thought I'd take a few minutes to make some goals for 2012

This year I want to...
  • Live enthusiastically.  I want to go to work each day excited for the challenge and never take for granted what it means to be a nurse and the privilege it is to care for sick children
This is my nephew's excited face!  If I can adopt this attitude in the coming year, I think I will be in good shape!
  • Honor my (almost) husband and build a happy and healthy marriage. Also continue to have "date nights" as often as our schedules allow and attend church together each week.

  • Continue to define /redefine my fitness goals (that doesn't mean lose weight people!)

  • Care less what other people think.  I want to focus more on following my heart and less on being a people pleaser.

  • Wear more fun shoes (just because...)