I flipping love you. I love your freakishly adorable baby and hot ass husband. I love your show and your ridiculous antics (that one where you did the book signing at Costco and like 5 people showed up? Hilarious). I am envious of your incredible bod and that you supposedly like to eat garbage but somehow look like you only eat carrots. I love that your family is drama and somewhat of a disaster but that you managed to make it out of there relatively normal and well adjusted (if we could all be that lucky!)
Here is what I do not like; I do not appreciate the local liquor store being out of Skinny Girl Margaritas. I do not like that they will not be getting another shipment for at least 2 weeks. Not ok. I live in Las Vegas, arguably a metropolis of all things alcoholic. How does this even happen? If you could fix this that would be fantastic. Also if you would like to come over for a cocktail I'm sure that can be arranged. I love you. And your ginormous fake boobs.
Sincerely, Stephanie
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