Monday, May 7, 2012

Fremont Street

With only 3 weks left of living in Las Vegas, we are trying to make the most of our remaining time here.  I've been brainstorming and coming up with a list of things we would like to do before we leave.  This list is constantly being updated with restaurants we'd like to eat at and shows we'd like to see.  We certainly don't have the funds to do everything, however a few things have stuck out in our mind that are a must.

It was recently brought to our attention that after living here for 4 years, we had never ventured down to Fremont Street.  We rectified this last weekend and it was kind of awesome.  Fremont Street is a large area in "Old Vegas" where the streets are shut down and a huge screen hangs overhead and plays classic rick music videos ALL NIGHT LONG.  There are numberous bars that run into one another, casinos and a ton of weirdos pan handling.  If you're not down there to party, at least check out Fremont Street for the people watching.  You won't be disappointed.

The boys were really excited about their beer mugs.  The girls were just happy to discover you get free drinks if you sit down at a slot machine and pretend to be playing.

The highlight of our evening may or may not have been seeing a pregnant cocktail waitress who looked all of 16 (where's MTV when you need them?!) with tip money hanging out of her bra.  Classy.

We discovered this fool wearing angel wings and briefs bunched all up in his business taking pictures with tourists.  He was like 60.  Awkward.

...and people dressing like KISS

And this guy in a cheetah print unitard doing really dumb tricks like squishing himself into a box that really wasn't that small.  I have a video of it but am not sure how to upload it're welcome.

So if you ever find yourself in Las Vegas and want to do something a little crazy, you should check out Fremont Street.  If for no other reason than to feel instantly better about your life choices.  And I would also recommend getting drunk while you're there.  It enhances the experience.

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