Thursday, September 13, 2012

How much leopard is too much leopard?

 Today got off to a REALLY bad start.  I woke up to a text stating "are you awake?  call me when you get up" (pssshhh NO I was not awake!).  J was on call last night was was starving when he got home.  I got my lazy butt out of bed and we went to a local diner to grab breakfast where the waitress spilled hot coffee all over my lap.  It was awesome. 
After running my bum off at the gym (finally got a gym membership!!) I decided to treat myself to a trip to King of Prussia.  KOP is the Holy Grail of malls.  It's literally the size of a small town.  I found this sexy sweater at Forever21 and wasn't sure if it was trendy animal print or obnoxiously leopard.  Bought it anyway.
Like my greasy post-workout hair?
Also "needed" this sweater (sequins are subtly sewn in and it's fabulous!).  Got home and realized I have one sort of like it....but not with sparkles!

oh hey leopard print bra strap...
Before I could conclude my trip to the mall, I stopped by Nordstrom.  I had previously been lusting over a Chambrey shirt at Madewell (that was $90, what the hell??) when I found this gem for $49.  Also bought the leggings even though I firmly believe LEGGINGS AE NOT PANTS (except occasionally I break that rule).
So I'm officially ready for fall.  I even had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the year this week.  Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. i love that sublty sparkly sweater,i don't mind a hint of sparkle :)

    i don't wear leggins,they just don't seem warm enough lol

    cute blog!!
