Wednesday, June 22, 2011


This morning I went to my usual bootcamp class to find a different instructor teaching. This man also happens to be a Cirque de Soliel performer and freak of nature. What normally is an hour of getting my ass kicked but feeling relatively good turned into the longest and most torturous hour of my life. I am pretty sure I will not be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

I knew I had made a terrible mistake about 10 seconds into the class when he told us to go warm up outside. For those of you who do not live in lovely Las Vegas, let me remind you of how balls hot it is here. Today also just so happened to be the hottest day of the year reaching 108 degrees. So the idea of going outside when it was already nearly 100 at 9:30am? Not so fun. I am pretty sure I spent the entire hour complaining to complete strangers and being generally annoying. I better wake up with a flipping 6 pack.

I am pushing myself to work out harder and eat better while J is away. I want to be in good shape for the wedding and be a hot mama in Hawaii on our honeymoon, so I have been feeling pretty motivated. I was briefly contemplating taking before and after pictures to track my progress, but then I thought of how mortifying it would be to post half naked pictures of myself on the internet and changed my mind. You're welcome.

In happier news, J gets to come home a month early!!!!! So excited. Only 66 more days of this nonsense!!

And one more side note: I overheard a conversation at snobby gym this morning that I couldn't ignore and literally almost died laughing over.

Girl #1 "What do you do for a living?"
Girl #2 "I'm a stay at home girlfriend"

*I literally stared at the girl waiting for her to laugh or show some sign of this being a joke. Nope, she was serious. Only in Las Vegas would that be a legitimate profession. Clearly, I have chosen the wrong career path.

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