I stopped in Verizon this evening to ask a question and walked out with an iphone. How does this happen? I am super excited though to be done with my crackberry for good. It was a piece of garbage that CONSTANTLY dropped calls (but conveniently this would only happen in my apartment. Obnoxious.)
It was really crazy because I walked in this store and this guy came up to me and said "hey, I know you" and when I turned around I saw the father of one of my patients I took care of a few months back. Turns out he works at Verizon, who knew? So I just so happened to get a couple of fees waived and who am I to pass up a deal (and get rid of my POS phone)? Win win.
Ok that's all I've got. I'm boring myself as I type this. Exciting things to come on here, I promise :)
Isn't it so much fun?? I've had mine for less than a week and I'm already obsessed! As far as the pictures, I got the instagram app - it's free and you can make all sorts of fun effects with it.