Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Is everyone just peeing themselves wondering what's going to happen on the Bachelor finale?! All I have to say is if they do something stupid like bring Brad back, I will be very disappointed! But lord knows I'll still watch because I'm a little obsessed. Ever since Ali's season (who I just so happened to go to high school with!) I have been a devoted fan of the show...even though sometimes I want to gauge my eyeballs out because of the stupid people they cast...

The hubster and I celebrated 6 months of wedded bliss with Chinese takeout and Wheel of Fortune...then we realized we are not in fact 90 years old and went out with a couple friends on South Street. I wore my new blue skinnies ($18 at Gap, holler!) and demanded J take my picture after having a few drinks returning home. Perhaps "before" photos would have been a better idea (see below :)

I promise, I'm going to stop taking so many shitty iPhone pics...

Also, the hubster (ok, I really need to stop referring to him like that, but my real life nicknames for him are like 29483289 times more embarrassing) so my HUSBAND is on call today so I will be watching the Bachelor all by my it still socially acceptable to have a bottle of wine by myself?  Or are we approaching alcoholic status?  It's just that I enjoy the Bachelor so much more with a good buzz haha. 

So look at this picture and tell me: would this not be the best Christmas card ever??  All you need is a Santa hat and Christmas lights.  And a baby.  I am sooo doing this when I have a little babe!

Oh, and when I announce my make believe pregnancy, I'm going to do this:

Happy Sunday!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Letters

Today is my first time participating in Friday's Letters over at Ashley's blog!  Here goes nothing...

Dear Hubby, today marks 6 months of marriage!!  To say that I love married life would be an understatement. 

Dear Philly, why you gotta be so mean?  While I am happy to have moved back east, I gotta say, Philly locals are RUDE.  I'm not sure I'm buying the whole City of Brotherly Love thing. 

Dear Self, you need to get a hold of yourself and get back to the gym!  Nearly 5lbs gained since moving a month ago = no bueno!

Dear Nordstrom, thank you for your Anniversary Sale.  I bought some fabulous new running shoes for $59 and am now inspired to get my booty in shape (sometimes all it takes is new shoes :)

See?!? Aren't they loverly?


Saturday, July 14, 2012

That Time My Car Got Stolen

I am by no means a superstitious person (ok just a little...any nurse would agree that it's hell to work when there's a full moon...)  I did however have the most awful thing happen to me yesterday, which just so happened to be Friday the 13th.

Yesterday afternoon I went to Kohls to get some stuff for our new home.  I had never been to this particular store and thought "what the hell it's only 20 minutes away, I'll figure out how to get there."  Mistake #1.  I was on the phone with my sister as I parked and walked into the store, therefore not 100% paying attention, which was mistake #2.  I got distracted in the clothing section (I FOUND RED SKINNIES FOR $7!!) and left the store about 30 minutes later to discover that my car was missing.  After walking around the parking lot aimlessly for 10 minutes, I came to the conclusion that my car had been stolen.

I panicked and called my husband who immediately left work to come get me.  I then went inside, freaked out at a young girl who was working there and told her my car was stolen and I needed the address of the store so I could notify the police.  I then proceeded to call 911, somewhat hysterical at this point, and alert them about my stolen vehicle.  10 minutes later a police officer rolled up and got my information.  He told me that he had a hard time locating me because I had told the dispatcher that I was outside the main entrance on West Chester Pike, when in reality, I was standing outside the main entrance on Route 1.  At this point I started getting a little nervous...was it possible there was more than one main entrance to the store?  Oh shit...

The officer (who was all of 25 and gorgeous by the way) then asked me if it was possible that I had parked in the other parking lot on the other side of the store.  I told him nope, no way, this parking lot looked awfully familiar and I had never even been to this Kohls before.  It could only look familiar since I had parked there about 45 minutes ago....but maybe we should check out the other parking lot just in case.

At this point he has me walk back through the store, where everyone is looking at me like I'm a complete lunatic.  I walk to the back of the store and realize there's another main entrance on that side...identical from the one I just came from.  I meet him on the other side of the building and he points to a car and says "ma'am, is this your car?" to which I replied "NO!  But that one over there is..."  So ya, that happened.  I called 911 to report a stolen vehicle and as it turns out, my car was recovered...exactly where I had parked it.  I told the officer I was so sorry and I had just moved here from out of state and was still learning my way around.  He asked me if I had GPS on my phone and I looked at him puzzled and told him I did.  He then suggested that maybe I should use it to get out of the parking lot and get myself home.  Ouch.

The worst part was calling my husband and also my Dad, both of whom I'd called freaking out, to admit my mistake.  Jonathon unfortunately had told everyone at work what had happened so that he was allowed to leave since it was "an emergency".  I am absolutely horrified that he now has to explain what happened when he goes back to work on about embarrassing!!

On a positive note, my new pants are fabulous!  I kind of love them, and while they weren't worth all the drama, they were $7!!

Friday, July 6, 2012


Good God I love Pinterest.  Here's what's inspiring me this week:

...and because who doesn't love a good laugh?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hello Lover

I went to DSW last week and found the most amaaaaazing shoes. Like I need them. They're pink and neon and fabulous. And I can't stop thinking about them. This week has been stressful. I started my new job and it's a huge adjustment for me. Everything in my life is changing (many things for the better) and it's just been really hard. I have a really hard time with change. So I think a new pair of shoes may be just the thing to cheer me up.

How can these shoes not make you happy?!?